Solutions for Fashion: Development, Integrations, CRO, and Digital Marketing

Marketing Solutions for Fashion Brands

Internal Management and Operation Systems

We develop OMS, WMS, and internal operation systems based on our integration orchestration platform.

Custom Ecommerce Development

We develop and enhance fashion stores with our custom applications designed to improve conversion rates and average order value.

Business Intelligence

Our team of Data Specialists focuses on generating commercial insights to optimize the use of both online and offline marketing investments.

Paid Media

We specialize in building audiences to achieve optimal performance in advertising campaigns for the fashion segment.


We optimize your website structure, improving aspects such as meta tags, load speed, and indexing, resulting in better search engine performance and increased conversions.

Automation Marketing

We implement platforms for customer retention and loyalty through automated and semi-automated customer contact processes.

Contact us to find your ideal solution.

    Success Stories: What We Achieved with Our Clients

    Ecommerce Development


    We developed a reseller portal on VTEX IO, creating an intuitive and user-friendly design that encourages reseller loyalty. Additionally, we implemented a private portal for managing inquiries and provided continuous support for the entire marketing strategy. Through process automation, we achieved significant improvements in lead generation and qualified traffic, resulting in a 49% increase in clicks, revenue, and sessions, notably enhancing the ROAS.
    SEO and Paid Media


    With our SEO strategies, we helped O'Neill achieve a 110% increase in clicks and a 164% increase in impressions. Additionally, we designed an intuitive website that improved performance by 29%. The implementation of Google Ads campaigns complemented these enhancements, resulting in monthly revenue growth of up to 20% and a click increase of up to 127%.
    Paid Media and Ecommerce Development


    We achieved a 51.35% increase in organic traffic and a 24.14% improvement in average CTR through the implementation of customized SEO strategies. We began with a comprehensive site audit, identifying areas for improvement, analyzing competitors, and focusing on target keywords for positioning. From there, we optimized the site's content, and the results speak for themselves, showcasing significant growth in visibility and performance.

    ¿Cómo funciona la integración con Merchant Center?

    Gestión de catálogo: subimos tu catálogo de productos a Google Merchant Center, asegurándonos de que los títulos, descripciones, imágenes y precios cumplan con todas las directrices de Google para maximizar la aprobación y visibilidad.
    Sincronización automática: configuramos actualizaciones regulares para mantener al día la información de stock y precios, evitando discrepancias y mejorando la experiencia del cliente.
    Optimización y monitoreo: analizamos continuamente el rendimiento de tus productos en Shopping Ads, ajustando estrategias para maximizar su visibilidad, tasa de clics y conversiones.

    ¿Pueden ayudarnos con el análisis SEO de nuestro e-commerce?

    Realizamos un diagnóstico detallado de tu sitio, optimizamos el contenido y trabajamos en el posicionamiento orgánico para mejorar tu ranking en buscadores. Trabajamos desde varios frentes para lograr nuestros objetivos y hacer crecer el tráfico orgánico de tu ecommerce, que incluye la estructura del sitio, la velocidad de carga, las etiquetas meta y la correcta indexación en los motores de búsqueda. Identificamos los términos que tus clientes buscan y hacemos la optimización de contenidos en tu sitio web como descripciones de producto, categorías y blog. Además medimos todos los resultados con herramientas especializadas y ayudamos a potenciar tus ventas y generar insights para nuevas estrategias.

    We create strategies solutions and processes overcomers.

    We develop and promote digital business models, enhancing virtues and adding value through technological developments with a focus on maximizing investment returns.


    No two companies are the same, and therefore not all require the same services. At Known Online we define the needs of each client and based on that, the comprehensive proposal they require is put together.


    A well-planned project is a project destined for success. Our team of experts works across technology, operational, financial, and marketing consulting to make sure we're on the right track.


    A real transformation requires fast and effective processes, without unnecessary friction. Our inhouse teams are dedicated to working across disciplines to provide solutions in a transparent manner.