Cyber Monday! How to execute a successful strategy?

Discover all the keys for your business to succeed in the next Cyber Monday.

Online events like Cyber Monday, Hot Sale, or Black Friday represent a significant opportunity to increase sales for brands with an online presence, as in just a few days you can achieve a significant portion of your annual revenue. In this article, we will share some keys to executing a successful strategy and tactical concepts related to digital marketing, analytics, business intelligence, and user experience to achieve better profitability and best practices in these massive events.

Keys to having a successful Cyber Monday

Planning ahead

The key to success linked to the Digital Marketing strategy oriented to these types of massive events is planning. Having the entire event calendar prepared ideally months in advance helps prevent future issues. It is also important to have an analysis of previous editions to know what strategies have already been implemented in the company and what the competition did to have a background for the new edition.

Advertising budget projections

It’s always necessary to advertise to increase sales and grow the business. In this case, it’s more than obligatory to advertise during dates when sales tend to increase significantly, as this way we attract new customers or better reach those we already have.

At this point, it’s important to define the budget, which will depend on each company, but many things can be done with a small budget. For example, a brand could target its Email Marketing base of recurring or previous buyers, or if a good retargeting strategy is implemented, and it’s possible to differentiate what type of product or category each person is interested in, segmented messaging campaigns can be created for that audience. This way, all the costs of CPC are saved because the competition in massive events is very tough, and, for example, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) don’t have the same financial resources as larger companies. However, if they can find their niche and audience, they can achieve significant growth during the event.

  • Creating discovery campaigns: One month before, it is recommended to create campaigns to try to bring more people to the categories and products. The goal is to get people who have already seen the product to consider buying it, and to do so through different ads, with a lot of storytelling so that the brand communicates the benefits to customers and appeals to emotions. Prior branding work is recommended as there is a lot of competition in these massive events.
  • Creating sales-focused campaigns: During these dates, consumers are predisposed to buy, so take advantage of this momentum with conversion-focused campaigns and pause those focused on interaction or lead generation.
  • Use remarketing with discounts: Target users who have visited your website and offer them a discount on the products they have been viewing or have left abandoned in the shopping cart.
  • Know how to recalculate: It’s important to know that in terms of advertising campaigns there’s no single rule because changes are made on the fly during events, and you have to be prepared to adapt and change strategy if a competitor, for example, sets a trend.

The importance of SEO on Cyber Monday

One of the strongest strategies with the greatest sales results is SEO, as it plays a fundamental role in driving traffic.

The recommended best practices are:

  • Development of a landing page to optimize your e-commerce: Have a website prepared at the SEO level that can be indexed permanently, meaning throughout the year. You should create an exclusive landing page for the event that can attract organic traffic and generate positioning throughout the year so as not to arrive at the event and do everything at the last minute. This page will be your main entry point for those interested in your offers.
  • Concepts for good search engine indexing:
    • The URL should always be static (not changing to Cyber Monday 2024, Cyber Monday 2023) to gain positioning.
    • It should have an H1 (main title) that is changeable.
    • Contact form so people can leave their details.
    • Blurred section of products since during the year we do not know what products we will launch the following year.
    • FAQ with frequently asked questions: generate content about what Cyber Monday is, when the event date is, what categories are being worked on to position it at the SEO level.
    • Location: This landing page must be in the footer throughout the year, but one or two weeks before the event, it should be placed in the menu to be more visible and reach more people.
  • Conduct a KW research throughout the year to be prepared for the event. What we suggest is to concatenate words. It is not advisable to attack what is “Cyber Day” because it has a high cost, so look for specific words such as “Cyber T-shirts Offers”. Concatenate all products with the word Cyber, for example, and see how many searches there are on Google.

The importance of Email Marketing on Cyber Monday

Email Marketing is essential if you already have a customer base both on the event landing page and throughout the year because it is an audience that already knows you, has already bought from you, and has subscribed, and you have to give them a specific benefit. It is very important that the customer feels recognized. To achieve maximum effectiveness, look for a catchy subject line and personalize the message for different types of customers.

This way, you save a budget on adwords dedicated to finding new people since you have a large audience base and you just have to attract them with benefits, offering them special discounts for this event so they return to buy or do cross-selling with other products.

How far in advance do you start working on the strategy for such events?

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to plan the event in advance and have an active landing page throughout the year, but you must know that this landing page has to respect certain opening and closing times.

  • What to do before Cyber Monday?

At this stage, what is done is to acquire data so that companies can correctly carry out the Email Marketing campaign. Remember that terms related to “Cyber” are not only searched during the event dates, there is an entire expectation about the participants, possible offers, among others. In the days leading up to the event, people who arrive there can leave their email through a simple form so that you can notify them of your offers once they are released.

It is most advisable that the official date be published between one week and 10 days before the event, according to what the Chamber of Commerce of each country says so as not to violate any agreement, and the landing is uploaded approximately two weeks before to the menu.

  • What to do during Cyber Monday?

These are all the actions that are carried out in real time, at a management level; you have to schedule actions in the same night because given the guidelines in each country, the promotions must be active at 00 hs, it cannot be before. There must be an in-house team controlling the event at 12 o’clock at night just in case there is an error.

  • What to do after Cyber Monday?

Generally, the brands are there for the 2 or 3 days that the event lasts and then they extend throughout the week, so it is recommended to remove the landing after that week and return to pass it to the footer and update everything related to SEO: titles, question data, etc. Make sure the content is relevant at all times.

Finally, when Cyber Monday ends, it doesn’t end there. It is very important to conduct customer satisfaction surveys to know about post-sales and the perception they have of the company, and to report all achievements, and raise the incidents that could have given better results to be solved next time. It’s time to start thinking about the next event.

Do you have any questions or doubts about the strategies to implement for Cyber Monday? Contact us.